Author: Ali Nawaz

Although most mobile games rely on the internet, losing the connection can be a significant setback. Games are meant to be enjoyable. If you are in the same situation, this essay is ideal. The top free offline games for Android phones that you can play without internet access are listed below. So take out your phone, and let’s continue having fun! Best Offline Games for Android Additionally, each game will have a small analysis provided so you can decide when it’s suited for you. Thus, let’s get started right now! 1. Shadow Legends: Action RPG The action-packed role-playing game Shadow Legends…

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Error 105 suggests the DNS lookup was unsuccessful. The domain name could not be resolved by the DNS server using the website’s IP address. The most frequent problem many people have when using Google Chrome can be fixed by following the troubleshooting instructions below. You’ll get something similar to this: This webpage is not available The DNS query failed to find the server at DNS is a web service that converts a website’s name to its IP address. The most common causes of this problem are improperly set-up networks or a lack of Internet connection. Another reason could be…

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The legal system has lost its most excellent protector since Judge Juggles the Clown drowned in a custard-filled courtroom with the recent permanent disbarment of Jack Thompson. As he goes to compete in the 2009 Dumbass Olympics as a non-professional, we remember ten memorable Thompson moments to honor his career’s end. 1. Battling Janet Reno John Bruce “Jack” Thompson had his sights set on becoming the state prosecutor of Dade County even before he faced up against Take-Two and Rockstar. In a competition to decide who was most qualified to prove the guilt of individuals charged with rape, kidnapping, and…

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Windows 10’s Thread Stuck In Device Driver problem is a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) caused by a driver file stuck in an infinite loop. The stop error code, 0x000000EA, indicates that there may be a device driver rather than a hardware issue. However, updating the BIOS or drivers is an easy fix for the error, and it often fixes it. If you cannot boot into Windows, use the installation media to boot your computer into safe mode to complete the instructions described below. You may get any of the following errors on your PC: The following are a few…

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For most smartphone users, the notification panel is the most essential feature to check as soon as the device is unlocked. The applications loaded on the smartphone notify us of fresh messages, reminders, and other news. It could be challenging to miss out on alerts from these essential apps. Your life may come to a complete stop if you are not receiving notifications and discover important warnings only after using that specific app. Don’t just stand there; let’s work together to repair it! Fix Android Notifications Not Showing Up Android’s notification panel has been improved with the primary goal of…

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To make a backup copy of your images in case something were to happen to your account or the Facebook network, downloading your photos from Facebook can be a brilliant idea. Following our article’s guidelines today, you can discover how to download all Facebook images immediately. Instead of going to Facebook whenever you want to see someone’s pictures, you can view their offline photos on your device by learning how to download them. Now, let’s get going! How to Right away Download Every Facebook Photo In the account settings, Facebook lets you download all your data, including pictures. This can…

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Have you ever been upset by your downloaded files going missing for no apparent reason on Steam? It’s an everyday problem that can throw off your game momentum. Don’t worry; we will look into it and figure it out. In this article, we’ll review how to resolve the missing downloaded files on Steam, so your game collection remains complete and ready to play. How to Fix Windows 10’s Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam Your system may encounter the following causes of the missing downloaded files Steam error: Method 1: Run Steam as an Administrator You may enable Steam to…

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Windows 10 PCs and laptops can be used with the WD My Passport Ultra external hard drive. However, some users complained that Windows 10/8/7 does not identify the WD My Passport Ultra on their connected desktops and laptops. If your external hard drive or WD My Passport Ultra hard drive is not visible on your computer, you cannot access or use it. The fact that they are experiencing this issue could cause their business to cease operations. To find out why your WD My Passport Ultra is not identified and how to resolve it, follow this tutorial. How to Correct…

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The volume/sound icon in the notification area has a red X with the error “No Audio Output Device is Installed” connected whenever you move your cursor over it. Corrupted audio drivers or possibly incorrect Windows files are the leading causes of this issue, but they are not the only reasons that fuel the problem. You can see several reasons why the No Audio Output Device Is Installed error can occur, including the chance that malware damage has blocked audio services. This error will stop you from hearing any sound from your system, and any attempt to utilize the sound or…

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Most PC users know the benefits that 16:9 4K monitors offer for productivity tasks like gaming. Some people use the additional workspace by multitasking using a twin monitor setup. However, many PC users are unclear about 21:9 vs. 16:9 monitors because of the rise in popularity of 21:9 Ultrawide panels. As the widescreen vs. ultrawide contention expands, people are becoming increasingly interested in learning about 21:9 and 16:9 monitors to make better decisions. To choose the ideal monitor aspect ratio, read this article to learn about widescreen and ultrawide monitors. Which is Better Between 21:9 vs 16:9 Monitors? The monitors…

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