Pokémon Yellow, a game from the original series that launched decades ago, is an improved version of Pokémon Red and Blue. This guide is bound to answer some of your questions if you’re planning to play Pokémon Yellow for the first time, have a soft spot for the Pokémon anime series, or remember playing Pokémon games as a kid. While playing Pokémon Yellow, you could have queries like “How can I get Bulbasaur?” and “How can I make Pikachu happy?”
How to Get Bulbasaur in Pokémon Yellow
The three starter Pokémon in Pokémon Red and Blue are Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. However, Pikachu is your sole option in Pokémon Yellow. Nonetheless, at the start of the game, all three are readily available. Here are a few ways to obtain Bulbasaur in Pokémon Yellow for free or without trading:
Step I: Make Pikachu Happy
By facing Pikachu and pushing the A button on the Game Boy, you will first know if your Pikachu is happy. This will help with your interactions with him. Pikachu should have a heart hovering over his head if his happiness level is high.
Step II: Use Potions on Pikachu
Using potions on Pikachu is the quickest method to make him happy. The health potions are available in-game and must be used frequently on Pikachu. It will seem that the potion has no effect when you use it on Pikachu. However, even when Pikachu is perfectly healthy, remedies will assist in making him happier. Thus, if necessary, make sure to utilize a lot of options.
Step III:Make Sure Your Party Has Enough Space
Since you can only carry six Pokémon at once, you must visit a Pokémon center in every town to make at least one slot available for Bulbasaur. So, if you don’t have any space, go to the middle and deposit one of your Pokémon. But be careful not to put Pikachu in the bank.
Step IV: Meet Melanie in Cerulean City
Proceed to the house located straight to the left of the Pokémon Centre in Cerulean City following the battle. Melanie is the name of the girl who is standing inside the house with her Bulbasaur next to her. She will notice that you are taking good care of Pikachu if you engage with her. Thus, Pikachu will ask you to take care of her Bulbasaur if she is very happy. Melanie will add Bulbasaur to your empty slot party if you answer “yes.”
Congratulations! Bulbasaur has now joined your ever-expanding Pokémon squad!
How to Get Squirtle in Pokémon Yellow?
Fortunately, Squirtle is among the more accessible Water-type monsters. The Fire-type Charmander, the Grass-type Bulbasaur, and the Water-type Squirtle are the three beginning Pokémon that are all excellent on their own. In the previous section, you already learned how to obtain Bulbasaur in Pokémon Yellow. However, if you wish to capture a Squirtle in Pokémon Yellow, follow to the rules listed below.
Step I: Go to Vermilion City
Once you have finished all of the events in Cerulean City, you must use the underground passage to leave the town and continue south until you reach Vermilion City, where you must locate and obtain Squirtle.
Step II: Defeat Gym Leader Lt. Surge
Since you have already defeated Misty of Cerulean City, the gym leader, Lt. Surge, should be easy to beat. You can easily defeat Lt. Surge’s Raichu because it is an Electric-type level 28 Raichu. You should be able to use a Pokémon of the Ground or Rock types for that. Pokémon of the ground or rock type have an edge over those of the electric type in battle because electric techniques do not work on them.
Step III: Make Space in Your Party
Check to see if your Party has an empty spot after beating Captain Surge. To ensure you have room for Squirtle if there isn’t any, go to the Pokémon center and leave one Pokémon there. Go to the following step if your 6-Pokémon roster already has an empty place.
Step IV: Interact with Officer Jenny
Go to Vermilion City’s center and engage with the police officer who is just standing there. She will tell you when you speak with her that she has caught a squirrel and was hoping to offer it to a strong trainer. After you’ve defeated Lt. Surge by following the previously mentioned instructions, Officer Jenny will just give you the Squirtle.
You’re all set! Squirtle has joined your party. Read this guide from the start to learn how to get Bulbasaur in Pokémon Yellow.
How to Make Pikachu Happy in Pokémon Yellow?
Pikachu, your friend in Pokémon Yellow, has a very basic happiness system in place. All it takes to assess Pikachu’s happiness is to simply stare at it and engage in conversation with it. Pikachu will have a heart hovering above his head if his happiness level is high, which is greater than 146. Let’s now examine methods to increase Pikachu’s degree of happiness.
- Items that you can use on Pikachu include potions that you can purchase from the store. Giving Pikachu potions regularly is one of the quickest methods to make him happier. Even when Pikachu’s health is full, using a health potion won’t affect him; instead, text will appear. However, the potion will make Pikachu happier, so you don’t need to worry.
- Level up Pikachu: Pikachu’s happiness level will grow every time Pikachu levels up. Just getting involved in every battle and making as much use of Pikachu as you can in them will raise Pikachu’s level. Pikachu will level up more quickly as a result of this than any of your other Pokémon. Rare candies are also an option.
- A Pokémon center or when Pikachu faints in battle will drop Pikachu’s happiness level, so try not to make it upset. Make sure Pikachu is always on your 6-Pokémon roster to avoid reducing Pikachu’s happiness scale.
- Use Pikachu to fight gym leaders: Using Pikachu to fight gym leaders does provide more happiness. However, given there are only so many gym leaders in the game, raising Pikachu’s pleasure level in this manner can lead to uneven results.
What is Pokémon Yellow Squirtle’s Location?
While there aren’t any wild Squirtles in Pokémon Red, Blue, or Yellow, the Yellow version of the game does offer a free one. Squirtle is one of the three starter Pokémon that you can select at the start of the game in the first two versions. Additionally, Yellow Squirtle in Pokémon may be gotten in Vermilion City for nothing. First, you have to go to Vermilion City and take down Lt. Surge, the city’s gym leader, after finishing your events at Cerulean City. After beating Lt. Surge, you have to head to the heart of Vermilion City and interact with Police Officer Jenny simply standing there. You can get your Squirtle from her. Start reading this article to find out how to obtain Bulbasaur in Pokémon Yellow.